Read the label

Read the label 🫵
…this is ALWAYS a good idea, particularly for plant milk as most nut milks are around 2% nut, 6% if your lucky, oat milk not much better…
This means that 👇
* There’s not much to commend them from a health perspective
* That’s a lot of water being shipped around 😧
For example, 1 pack of Alpro almond is 2.3% nut and about 995g of water…… which is HEAVY
If 1 pack of nooj was diluted to 2.3% nut, it would make 4.4 litres @ 80p per litre…..just for context 😉
If we translate this to freight emissions per kg (quick maths) then 1 pack of nooj saves x10 the freight emissions that 1 litre of Alpro (we have worked this out, honestly 😇)
Food for thought 🌍 eh?
#reduceemissions #reducewaste #carbonreduction #globalwarmingisreal #climatechange #globalwarming #climateaction #climatecrisis
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