….just saying. You might already know what’s in your plant m

….just saying. You might already know what’s in your plant m

….just saying. You might already know what’s in your plant milk, maybe you’re ok with that but here it is, in case you didn’t 😳. And it’s the same for oat, pea, whatever you choose 🤷🏼‍♀️. Convenient? Yes, definitely but that might be the only virtue with some of these guys 😞
Important to remember too is weight, a litre pack of one of these is over 1kg in weight (water is heavy ). Just spare a thought this Monday evening for the sheer worldwide ✈️ volume of this freight 🤔.
Happy Monday all, time to
#getnoojing 💥


If you like a steaming hot crumble with lashings of cream yo

If you like a steaming hot crumble with lashings of cream yo

If you like a steaming hot crumble with lashings of cream you have to try this 🤤 Perfect for a guilt free dessert but even better for breakfast, it really ...


🩷 GIVEAWAY ALERT 🩷 Happy Monday lovely people! 🥰 We’re kicking off the week with a fantastic Mother’s Day giveaway, in collaboration with the amazing @yockenthwaitefarm and us here at ...