Exciting news! We’re on sale in Sainsbury’s for a limited ti

Exciting news! We're on sale in Sainsbury's for a limited ti

💥Exciting news!💥 We’re on sale in Sainsbury’s for a limited time. Grab a pack with your shopping for just £2.50! (Saving £1)

In these tough times, we understand that every little saving counts and we’re glad to help with this promotion exclusively with Sainsbury’s ❤

Remember, each pack of Nooj can make the equivalent of 2.5L of milk which is saving you further!

#plantmilk #plantbased #dairyfree #dairyfreerecipes #dairyfreeglutenfree #healthyfood #healthyrecipes #betterforyou #sainburys #fooddeals #noojit #getnoojing


If you like a steaming hot crumble with lashings of cream yo

If you like a steaming hot crumble with lashings of cream yo

If you like a steaming hot crumble with lashings of cream you have to try this 🤤 Perfect for a guilt free dessert but even better for breakfast, it really ...


🩷 GIVEAWAY ALERT 🩷 Happy Monday lovely people! 🥰 We’re kicking off the week with a fantastic Mother’s Day giveaway, in collaboration with the amazing @yockenthwaitefarm and us here at ...