Doesn’t everyone love a baked egg custard ? Or those little

Doesn’t everyone love a baked egg custard 😍? Or those little Portuguese Pastel de Nata? We certainly do 🤩 but if like us you don’t want dairy or egg try this recipe. It’s incredibly EASY but the results are the same as any other creamy, eggy, wobbly custard tart…just delicious 🤤
120g cashew nooj
100ml water
220ml Crackd egg replacement
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
3 heaped tbs icing sugar, sifted
2 sheets filo pastry
🌱Add your nooj to a bowl and gradually mix in the water, starting with just a splash at first
🌱Mix in the sifted icing sugar and vanilla extract, then mix in the Crackd egg replacement
🌱Cut you filo into squares then fold twice and cut away the corner to make rough circles, add 2 each to a muffin tray
🌱Add the custard mixture to the filo then grate over some nutmeg. Bake in a moderate oven for about 15 minutes, until slightly firm on top….that’s all there is to it 🙌
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