Do you ever crave something hot and creamy, straight out of

Do you ever crave something hot and creamy, straight out of

Do you ever crave something hot and creamy, straight out of the oven 😍? We do 🙋‍♀️!

And we love Dauphinoise potatoes (pommes dauphinoise, potato gratin, whatever you want to call it 🤷🏼‍♀️) but it’s a hassle to make if you don’t do cream.

And even if dairy cream is ok with you there’s a load of unhelpful fat in there 😬!

This is how we do it, super fast, easy, cheesy and creamy👇

Serves 4
450g potatoes (red skinned are best here)
1/2 leek (about 125g)
120g cashew nooj
600ml stock
3 tsp nutritional yeast
2 tbs olive oil

🍴Either slice the potatoes and leek in a food processor or slice finely by hand (about the thickness of a pound coin).
🍴Simmer in the stock for about 10 minutes, or until tender but just cooked.
🍴Add the nooj, nutritional yeast, oil and a grating of fresh nutmeg and black pepper to a jug.
🍴Add a little of the cooking liquid and mix well, add the rest of the liquid and mix again (the consistency of single cream is good).
🍴Add the potatoes and creamy stock to an oven proof dish, cover with foil and bake at 200 degrees for 20 minutes
🍴Uncover and bake for another 10 minutes. Check with the point of a knife, if the potatoes require a little longer, or if you need a creamier sauce then leave in the oven for a further 10 minutes

Top tip 👉 add grated cheese to the top of the dish for added oomph 💫



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